In 2010 City of Sydney embarked on an ambitious water sustainability project for Sydney Park, located in the suburb of Alexandria in Sydney’s Inner West. TDEP (Environmental Partnership’s Sydney landscape architectural collaboration – see Collaborations) has been responsible for development of masterplanning, design and tender documentation for this $11 million dollar project, the second stage of stormwater harvesting initiatives in the park.
Commencing as a feasibility study, the project was developed in partnership with Sydney Water, Transgrid and the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation. Through it’s development the study assessed the viability of several ground water and stormwater harvesting options which were endorsed in 2007 by Sydney City Council.
Stages of Design
The first stage of works (completed in May 2011) harvests approximately 50 million litres of stormwater a year from the Barwon Park Road which included a diversion pipeline that directs flows through a gross pollutant trap, then enters the bio retention treatment system before being stored in the park’s wetland system.
The second stage of the Sydney Park Stormwater Reuse Project delivers the City’s largest water harvesting infrastructure initiative to date and provide a significant contribution to the realisation of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 targets for local water capture and reuse.