Edmondson Regional Park Vegetation Rehabilitiation & Native Landscape Management Plan


Edmondson Regional Park Vegetation Rehabilitiation & Native Landscape Management Plan


Edmondson Park, Sydney


NSW National Parks




2014 A.I.L.A.  Excellence Award for Land Management

A collaborative team (including Ecological Australia) led by Environmental Partnership developed a Vegetation Rehabilitation & Native Landscape Management Plan (VRNVMP) for Edmondson Regional Park.  The plan was developed under the guidance of a project control group of NPWS and Urban Growth representatives involving several best practice workshops with industry leaders. 

The aim of the project was to create a benchmark document that:

1. Informed the establishment of the new Regional Park.

2. Provides a benchmark for future CPW management in National Parks and in other land management regimes.

3. Integrates active consultation with experts in the field to build on past experiences and embed flexibility.

4. Acknowledges that Cumberland Plain vegetation management is open ended.

4. Builds in a process of review and evaluation as the basis for evolving vegetation management on a site in response to:

  • experiences and performance and
  • emerging technologies and science.

5. Builds in the maintenance of an interactive mapping framework that will monitor implementation and performance against the base strategies and provide a basis for short and long term evaluation.