NSW Activation Guidelines


NSW Activation Guidelines




Transport for NSW



Environmental Partnership assisted Transport for NSW in developing a brief and study approach for the development of the NSW Activation Guidelines.

A multi-disciplinary team was assembled to work with Transport for NSW in developing the project which included Hatch Roberts Day urban designers and place planners, Environmental Partnership Landscape Architects, and SGS Economics.

The project was developed as part of the NSW Government’s Premier’s Priority for Greener Public Spaces.  To support the COVID-19 economic recovery, the project sought to increase the quality of public spaces generally and facilitate a sustainable balance of activation unique to each space.

The Guides

The ‘NSW Guide to Activation’ and the ‘NSW Guide to Preparing an Activation Framework’ encourages integrated thinking around public space planning design and management.  This includes a sustainable balance of permanent and temporary activation, busy spaces / quiet spaces, and how these objectives are achieved in a flexible and adaptable manner through public space design.